Lobby Against Privatisation at York Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 25th July 2018 9:30 am

As we reported last year, the York Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust was planning on setting up a private company to run its Facilities Service employing around 2000 people. Despite representations by the general public, staff and trade unions it appears the Trust Board is intent on going ahead with this plan. York is not the only Trust attempting this but people in Yorkshire have been rallying support against all the Trusts in the County intent on this route and many will attend a rally prior to the Trust’s Board meeting on the 25th July 2018 at 10:00 am. Protestors will be rallying from around 9:00 am onwards with most being there by 9:30 am.

Whilst the Trust claims the staff will not be affected this cannot be true as the only reason is to save money, along with the VAT saving loophole it permits. One example is a similar organisation in North Tees & Hartlepool not paying the recently agreed pay rise to staff in the subsidiary company. Terms and conditions will be eroded, pension rights reduced and much more as cuts are made to pay increased salaries for senior managers.

Come and join trade unionists, staff, retired staff and others in a representation of feelings against what the Trust is doing to our NHS. This protest is just the first of many in Yorkshire. We cannot let this happen.

About greatemancipator

Researcher and practioner in matters relating to egovernment, government ICT and their approach to the citizen.
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